Real Women Talking  


Add Your Voice

Real Women Talking is full of honest and at-times humorous anecdotes of plenty of women just like the two of us - those who work outside the home and those that don't -- and most trying their best to "do it all".

The response to Real Women Talking has been and continues to be very exciting and we have heard from hundreds of ordinary, but remarkable women.

It isn't too late to join in the chorus. . .  If you'd like to join the dialogue and keep it real and honest, please answer either or both of our questionnaires. We can't promise to make you famous, but we can tell you that countless women told us they enjoyed reflecting on the good, the bad and the ugly (parts of motherhood or marriage or both) and found it therapeutic. And, wouldn't it be great if this turned into a movement of sorts? Imagine – you could say:  “I was a part of that – when it all began.

Please take our:

You are also welcome to answer any of our past questionnaires:

RWT Blog

Question of the Month

If you had
an extra hour
in your day,
how would you
spend it?

We are busy researching and writing a book on
self-care (and encouraging mothers to find the time to put themselves on their growing "to-do" lists).
Please answer our Positive Selfishness Questionnaire.


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