Real Women Talking  
Author of The Good Mother Myth: Redefining Motherhood To Fit Reality, Avital Norman Nathman, talks to RWT.  
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Welcome to Real Women Talking, a website and series of books, in the works, here to frame critical issues facing real women now. Real Women Talking is a forum, place for reflection, support, validation, sanity-making, for those crazy-want to pull your hair out-days, and for A-ha moments.

Whether we stay-at-home, work part-time or full-time, we are often left, after hours -- and after cleaning up our kitchens, throwing in one more load of laundry, checking emails, paying bills, looking for misplaced keys and overdue library books, maintaining our households and pondering, silently or out loud, "given the realities of life today, how can I make it all work?"

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy life to check out our website and engage in some "real talk" on womanhood, marriage, motherhood and more. So, sit back, reflect, enjoy the quiet, consider your choices and wonder.

We promise you, you aren't alone.

Question of the Month

If you had
an extra hour
in your day,
how would you
spend it?


We are busy researching and writing a book on
self-care (and encouraging mothers to find the time to put themselves on their growing "to-do" lists).
Please answer our Positive Selfishness Questionnaire.


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